The Latest Forecast ...

... is a 100% chance of a full blown cyclone of intention, showers of radical action, and a brisk declaration here and now that it's high time I moved forward with The Caffeinated Advocate.

I created a Facebook page in 2015 with an intention to create a social media page to align with a blog to "brand myself" and my work. Children and teens, do you remember the 90's remember the album "Everyone Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?" (RWG, Dolores O'Riordan). Well, yeah. Why can't I brand myself, too? Why haven't I shared more of my story, my beliefs and my thoughts beyond posts with inspiring picture quotes or coffee selfies (#cathyrunsondunkin, baby) on Facebook? Why haven't I moved forward until now?

If you know me, you know I thrive on and enjoy writing, as I find peace and rejuvenation through written expression. If you have known me for a relatively a long time (and know me well), you know that I started writing a book years ago to document my journey to date through the autism spectrum with Christian. When my portable drive crashed years ago and I lost several chapters I had written, I lost my energy and my nerve. I remember I had stopped at the part where I share the devastating incident that led to receiving my son's diagnosis of autism. I completely froze! I think there was a part of me that was relieved that I had lost the work, as much as I had put into what I had done to date. I didn't have to rehash - and *FEEL - every painful moment I experienced from that time period.

Shortly thereafter, I began to struggle with my own demons as I tried to cope with the death of my father, supporting my mother, raising a boy with challenging needs and working (well beyond) full time hours. All of those - and so much more - will be touched upon in future posts, that you can count on.

Back to the word *FEEL ... I have finally reached a point where physically, emotionally, and spiritually, I fully embrace how I feel. I am transparent with others about 95% of the time (a gigantic step for me) regarding how I feel. I am confident with how I feel. I am honest with how I feel. I am not afraid to feel and I am not afraid to say how I feel. More than ever, I believe I have found my voice.

You're going to hear much more of that voice. When I'm silent, I encourage my friends, family, and future readers to nudge me when I'm quiet. Hold me accountable. Ask me questions. Remind me I am a gladiator, even when I feel like I cannot pick up my sword.

As motivational speaker, author, blogger and social media ninja Lisa Nichols (one of my biggest inspirations from 2017) declared long ago to her fans, "your story is NOT your story. Your story is meant to bless others."

It's time to open myself up further to this world - this entire world - and show everyone who I truly am ... especially now that I have finally learned who I am as a woman. It took almost 40 years to find her, to know her ... to ... love her.

Hi, I'm Catherine Hughes. I'm The Caffeinated Advocate, and I'm so glad you're here.


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